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Have you always dreamed of owning a log home? Log cabins offer homeowners many benefits, but they can also be a major financial liability if not properly maintained. Before purchasing a log home in the northwest Houston area, schedule a log cabin inspection with RedFish Inspections. The inspection of a log home is more crucial due to technicalities only those home inspectors having knowledge of a log home can inspect them properly.

Log Home Inspection

What to Look For While Buying a Log Cabin

As you begin the house-hunting process, be sure to focus on more than aesthetics. Log home inspection is more technical. There are six crucial elements to consider before making an offer on a log home.

 1. Examination of Logs at the Exterior

Log homes can look dirty from the outside, you can see the dark spots on them as a result of mildew. While checking the exterior of a log cabin, tap the logs with a hammer if there is a hollow sound, it indicates that the logs at the exterior are rotten. To check the logs, our experts have special tools that help to examine them properly.

 2. Deck Flashing

While a deck may seem like a major perk, it can also be a big headache if the flashing is not done properly. Check the joint between the house and the deck to make sure the flashing is installed properly and that there are no signs of moisture.

 3. Roof

Moisture is a log home’s worst enemy. As such, the condition and size of the roof is vitally important. The roof should overhang the logs by at least 18 inches to protect them from the elements. If the ends of the logs extend beyond the roof line, it is only a matter of time until they begin to rot.

 4. Rot

Rotten logs typically result from a moisture problem and/or a lack of routine maintenance. To look for signs of rot, inspect the logs for cracks. Cracks located on the top side of an exterior log should be treated and caulked to prevent moisture damage. Left unchecked, a single crack can lead to serious water damage and rot issues.

 5. Proper Drainage System

The drainage system of a log cabin should be very fine. The moisture can cause severe damage to logs. Make sure that no log touches the ground to catch moisture and insect infestation.

 6. Stain and Maintenance

Log homes must be regularly sealed and maintained to prevent moisture damage. After every 5 years, maintenance is recommended for log homes. If possible, find out what kind of stain was used on the home and if it has been properly maintained over the years.

In addition to these crucial elements to check before buying a log home, you must inspect some additional things. Details about these will help you to know about the required maintenance of the log cabin:

  • Insect Damage

Wood-boring insects, particularly carpenter bees, love to build their nests inside log homes. Look for small holes or gaps in the wood with piles of sawdust beneath the opening. Carpenter bees are a serious matter for log homes and need to be dealt with promptly to prevent serious damage.

  • Sticky Doors & Windows

Sticky doors and windows are also due to the moisture in a log cabin. Most of the time, it’s not a big deal to repair such doors and windows, but if moisture is affecting too many things in a log cabin, then you must go for a log cabin inspection.

  • Missing Chinkings

While inspecting a log home, it is important to check the chinking. Any missing chinking may cause excessive dust entering the log cabin. The easiest way to check the missing chinking is by turning off all the lights inside and then looking towards the walls and roof to see if sunlight is entering the log cabin through any gap or chinking.

  • Last Refinishing of a Log Cabin

Refinishing a log home can be very costly, so it’s better to ask the realtor to confirm the last refinishing date of the log home before making an offer. If it has not been done in a recent time period then you should be prepared to go for this expensive procedure. 

Schedule an Inspection

In the case of a log home, inspection is very crucial. The little issues in such cabins can lead to a major loss in the form of repairs. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, schedule a log cabin inspection with RedFish Inspections. As one of the only certified log cabin inspectors in the area, we will provide all the information you need, including an estimate of potential repair costs, to help you make the right decision. Call (866) 218-6699 or request a quote online today.